Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 1: A photo and 15 interesting facts.

I'm feeling somewhat narcissistic this evening, so I figured I'd jump in on this. By now, I'm sure you've all seen what the 30 days are, so I won't bother repeating them.

My wife likes this photo of me. I'm not quite sure where it was taken.

1. If I'm watching a TV show or reading a book, I am almost un-distractable. A number of people (mainly my wife and my mum) find this quite annoying when trying to converse with me.

2. In June I finished my degree, a BBS in Enterprise Development from Massey. It took far too long to complete and Massey was the third university (with the third different major) I studied at.

3. I've been living in Vancouver for 2 months today. I've wanted to live in Canada since I first came here in January 2000 so this literally is a dream come true.

4. I feel most at home in the mountains.

5. Related to the above two points, I like the Winter and the cold. I overheat too easily in Summer and it's too hard to cool off.

6. I got married at 22 (my wife's blog is here). My mum thought I was too young.

7. I worry that people are getting stupider.

8. I'm picky about spelling and grammar. I get this from my mum who got it from her mum who had a Master's degree in English at a time when it was uncommon for a woman to have one degree, let alone two (also, I'm aware of the irony inherent in the ugly grammar of this sentence).

9. I've been able to grow a full beard since I was 15. I've had it in all manner of 'sculpted' styles, but my favourite is definitely the most recent incarnation.

10. I started skiing at 4 years old. Because of this and item 2, I can't imagine a life without it and proximity to mountains is a major factor in choosing places I want to live.

11. After my wedding, the most amazing day of my life was last year on an island called Ilha Grande just hanging out with my wife. The weather wasn't amazing, but the location and the company were.

12. I was once concussed 5 times in a 12 month period.

13. Sometimes I regret that I didn't stick with any organised sport after I left high school.

14. Even though some of them are perenially useless and organising anything with them can be like herding cats, I really miss my friends back home.

15. I have mild tinnitus in my right ear and it scares the shit out of me.

1 comment:

  1. World stupidity is also one of my primary concerns :) Found your post via Dayna's blog - the #30days of me is very cool!
